Xeno Wars TCG Rule Book

Welcome to XenoWarsTCG, the intergalactic trading card game that will immerse you in a world of extraterrestrial strategy and battles! In this rule book, you will discover everything you need to know to become a seasoned XenoWarsTCG commander.

Game Overview

XenoWarsTCG is set in a universe where various alien species clash in epic battles for supremacy. As a commander, your objective is to assemble a powerful deck of Alien, Accessory & Skill cards, strategically deploy your forces, and outmaneuver your opponents in combat. Your ultimate goal: conquer the galaxy by defeating your adversaries.

Whether you're new to trading card games or a seasoned TCG veteran, XenoWarsTCG offers a rich gaming experience with a unique twist. It's a game of strategy, resource management, and cunning, where each card played can change the course of the battle.



Players select their General Alien Card and place it face UP on the board.

Each players HP is equal to the selected Generals HP.

Both players shuffle their deck of cards.

Each player draws five (5) cards from their deck to form their starting hand.

Keep tokens and counters nearby.

Gameplay Basics


The primary objective of XenoWarsTCG is to defeat your opponent by reducing their General's HP to zero.
Winning the Game

The game can be won by achieving any of the following conditions:

Reducing Opponent's General Alien HP: If you reduce your opponent's General Alien's HP to zero, you win the game. If both Generals survive the war the winner is the General with the most HP.

It's recommended to play Generals with the same amount of HP.

CUSTOM GAME : You may play a General with 100 HP against a General with higher HP for a more challenging experience.

Turn Structure

Draw Phase: Draw a card from your deck.

Main Phase: Play Alien, Accessory, and Skill cards, perform actions, and engage in battles.

War Phase: Send Aliens to attack Aliens or Generals.

End Phase: End your turn.

Win Conditions

Reduce your opponent's General HP to zero.

Each General represents a different difficulty level.

From Quick Play (100 HP) to Apocalypse (1000 HP) this game offers different possibilites for beginner and advanced players.

Card Types

XenoWarsTCG includes three primary card types:

Alien Cards: These represent various extraterrestrial creatures, each with unique attributes and abilities. Aliens are your primary forces in the game. Each Alien has an alien level and an Accessory Level. For a level 2 Alien, you need to Fuse 2x Level 1 Aliens. For a Level 3 Alien you must Fuse 2x Level 2 Aliens.

Accessory Cards: These cards represent equipment, tools, or enhancements that can be attached to Alien cards to boost their stats or grant special abilities. Accessories have an Accessory Level, Aliens with 1 Accessory Level can only equip 1x Lv1 Accessory. Aliens with higher Accessory levels may equip multiple Accessory cards or higher level Accessory cards.

Skill Cards: Skill cards represent special abilities, tactics, and actions that can be used strategically during the game. Skill cards are played face down and can be activated during either players turn.

General Cards: Generals have four (4) different tiers.

Rookie General (100 HP)

Seasoned Commander (250 HP)

Battle-Hardened Warlord (500 HP)

Supreme Strategist (1000 HP)

Battles and Combat

Battles in XenoWarsTCG are at the heart of the game's action. Here's how they are resolved:

The ATK and DEF of an equipped Accessory merge with the Aliens ATK and HP.

Attack and Defense Stats (ATK and DEF): Each Alien card has ATK and DEF stats. When an Alien attacks, it deals damage to the opposing Alien equal to its ATK, while DEF mitigates incoming damage.

Special Combat Mechanics

Switch: Certain Aliens possess the Switch ability, allowing them to change their attached Accessories during the Main Phase.
Drain : Heals General for +5 HP when attacking another Alien.

Penetrate: Some Aliens may have the Penetrate ability. Aliens with Penetrate ignore their opponent's DEF when dealing damage.

Lifesteal: Aliens with Lifesteal abilities restore the player's General Alien's HP when they attack other Generals.

Status Effects

Status effects in XenoWarsTCG can significantly impact the flow of battles. Here are some common status effects and their effects:

Paralyze: Paralyzed Aliens cannot attack during their next turn.

Invincibility: Invincible Aliens cannot be targeted by opponents during the Main Phase.

Poison: Poisoned Aliens lose 5 HP when they are attacked.

Burn: Burned Aliens lose 5 HP at the end of each turn.

Shock: Shocked Alien loses 5 HP each time it attacks.
Curse: Cursed Alien loses -5 HP at the start of each turn.

FAQ and Troubleshooting

Here are answers to some common questions and issues players may encounter:

Q: Can I play multiple Skill cards in a single turn?

A: Yes, you can play multiple Skill cards in a single turn as long as you have the resources to do so.

Q: Can I play multiple Alien cards in a single turn?

A: No unless a card says so.

Q: Can I play equip multiple Accessory cards in a single turn?

A: yes as long as you have available slots on your aliens and your accessory level doesn't exceed your aliens capacity.

Q: What happens to my attached Accessory cards when my alien is destroyed ?

A: Your attached Accessory cards also get destroyed if an Alien holding them are destroyed.


Drop an alien = Play an Alien card.

Send to grave = Destroy

Advanced Rule Variants:

Advanced players may use a weaker General against a stronger General if you wish to test yourself at at a more challenging battle.

It's recommended to have 70/20/10 but you are free to create any variations to conquer the universe!

(70 % Aliens, 20% Accessories, 10% Skills.)

You may vary deck size between 50-200 cards for an Infinite Gamemode. Using multiple generals as core HP.

For Quick Play it's recommended to use weakest General with 50 cards.
For standard game mode use Generals with 500 HP , as this is optimal for standard.